Nodebots Day Kansas City

NodeBots Day is coming to KC on July 27th! The festivities will be held at the Humansized Inc. headquarters located at:

2009 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108

We are currently looking for sponsors for lunch and hardware so if you are feeling generous contact @heavysixer for information.


Humansized Inc. is providing space, and some surprise goodies. Humansized is a privately held software design & development consultancy located in the Crossroads district of Kansas City, Missouri. We specialize in application development, user experience and interface design. We create software people love to use.

C2FO is providing Food and Drinks C2FO is the world's only global, collaborative exchange for working capital. More importantly they are hiring Node developers!


9AM-Hacking, Helping, and Hanging out gets started. Bring all of your gear, questions, and enthusiasm with you. There will be a few software experts in JavaScript and node who will be available for answering questions about Johnny-Five/Node.js

6PM-7PM Demo Or Die Baby!

7PM - ? Hangout drink beer (or other assorted beverages), have fun and make new friends.

Admission Price

Free! Wi-fi and power will be provided, however, this is a bring your own hardware event. If you want to be a spectator that’s fine too, but it might be boring after a while watching others have fun. You can get Arduino boards almost anywhere at this point, even your local RadioShack.