Learn how to build maintainable Rails apps

A one-day workshop. Here's what previous participants said:

"Explained some not so easy to understand concepts in a very clear and concise way"

-- Ignazio Mostallino

"Getting a good understanding of splitting up the logic of a large Rails app"

-- Ian Vaughan

"Made me think about ways to abstract responsibilities out of models"

-- Despo Pentara

"Lots of content/suggestions of code improvements"

-- Matt Peperell

A badly maintained codebase increases the chance of your application breaking for users. Bad user experiences lead to losses in reputation and revenue. More bugs, lower velocity. New features are harder and slower to add. More time spent debugging and quickly hacking together workarounds just to keep up.

What if you could learn how to go faster from having an idea for a feature to having it live on your users screens. Save time & money for your business by not having to hire any new developers. Improve your productivity. Take pride in your work. Focus on making features not bugs.

Learn how to build maintainable Rails apps. Understand the context for the problems with Rails apps that are difficult to maintain. Learn some lightweight patterns and techniques for splitting apart your spaghetti code into loosely coupled components. Easier to read/understand, easier to modify. Learn how to avoid "callback hell", and how to run your tests in seconds not hours.

Provisional schedule for the day as follows:

09:50 Registration
10:00 Intro, problem, solution
10:45 Break
11:00 Service objects, value objects
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Form objects, end-to-end example
15:00 Break
15:30 Code review, exercises
16:30 Wrap-up
17:00 Finish

Following the workshop we'll move to a local pub for drinks, first round on me.

Attendance is limited, grab a ticket to reserve your place today. For alternate payment options, or to arrange in-house training for a team of developers, send me an email (mail@timcraft.com).


Additional Information

Where is it?

Central London, exact location TBC.

What do I need to bring?

You'll need to bring a laptop with a working Ruby/Rails development environment, and a Rails 3.2/4 codebase that you've been working on.

Will I have to write code?

Not if you don't want to. Writing code is a great way to learn how to apply the ideas we will be discussing, but there will be no programming tests. Feel free to stick to reviewing code and getting to know other attendees.

What about lunch/coffee/etc?

Lunch and coffee/tea is included in the cost of your ticket.

Who is organising/teaching the workshop?

Tim Craft, find me on GitHub and Twitter. I've been programming for over a decade, using Ruby since before Rails was released, and working on Rails apps professionally since 2010.